

The most effortless way to blog. All you need is email.
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What is Pagecord?
Pagecord is the most effortless way to blog. All you need is email! Create your own beautifully minimalist blog in seconds. Publish your writing effortlessly by sending an email, or use our delightfully simple editor. Pagecord is free with a great value premium offering. The code is open source under the MIT license! ✨ It has lots of additional features such as custom domains, RSS, media embeds, post upvoting and image attachments. Sign up for free today!
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Recent launches

Pagecord is the most effortless way to publish your writing online. All you need is email. Create your own beautifully minimalist blog in seconds. For free! Publish your writing effortlessly by sending an email, or use our delightfully simple editor.
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Pagecord is a minimalist blogging app managed entirely by email. It's great for long-form writing, but also for micro-blogging your thoughts. All you need is an email account. No new tools to wrangle. No password to forget. It's free! Sign up today.
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