It's hard to summarize OFS because it's so many things in one. Yes, it's a tool that'll take your Obsidian user ability/confidence 0 - 100, but it's also going to stretch your mind, expand your comfort zone, unlock your creativity and generally get you excited about knowledge/creation in a way you've never experienced before.
Previously all of my ideas/notes/creative work lived in siloes and ideas never got the chance to mature the way they needed because I was constantly context (and app!) switching. I'm only a month into my OFS (and Obsidian in general) journey and can attest to the fact that I've had the most meaningfully productive month I can remember. Meaningful in that I've started synthesising 8 years of entrepreneurship and coaching experiencing into something holistic, functional and so much more valuable than its previous forms. I've also managed to move >100k words of notes from 5 different apps + multiple notebooks into Obsidian which is going to save me countless hours of searching in future -- not to mention making sure I never lose an important idea.
This wasn't meant to become a rant but as you can probably tell, I'm a fan.