

The composable platform for modern sites, stores, and apps.
•35 reviews•18 shoutouts•

Maker Shoutouts

Testimonials from top launches

Dima Grossman
used this to buildInbox by NovuNovu
(478 points)
Hosting our website and dashboard app
Hiteshi Soni
used this to buildGretaGreta
(443 points)
Netlify is our go-to for seamless, scalable, and lightning-fast website deployments with minimal hassle.
Lee Martin
used this to buildTurnTurn
(64 points)
Turn has been served from Netlify since v1 and it handles our global user base well. I also love being able to use the A/B testing function of Netlify to test new features.
used this to buildPairPodsPairPods
(129 points)
Thanks to @Netlify for making the PairPods website deployment completely painless! Their intuitive UI, automatic builds from my GitHub repo, and reliable hosting made setting up the product site a breeze. Highly recommend for any developer looking for hassle-free web hosting.
Swagam Dasgupta
used this to buildLuukiluLuukilu
(87 points)
Made deployment and staging 10x simpler. We couldn't spend much time figuring out deployment because there's so much else going on, and Netlify came in clutch.
Ismael Canal
used this to buildListy
(341 points)
Simple and affordable web hosting
Lee Martin
used this to buildEyedropperEyedropper
(111 points)
I host all of my projects with Netlify and quite like how I can spin up quick analytics on a game like this.
Romain Simon
used this to buildMeliesMelies
(225 points)
I use Netlify for every project and love the simplicity. You just connect your Github account and it's deployed.
Ivan D
used this to buildRedlineRedline
(267 points)
Love it almost like Figma
Almarie Stander
used this to buildSnaplet Seed
(408 points)
We use Netlify to host our React app. They make deployment and hosting easy with GitHub integration and automatic builds. Our updates can go live almost instantly without us breaking a sweat!
Anvisha Pai
used this to buildRateMyJD by DoverDover
(239 points)
We host our free microsite on netlify - it's been great for hosting!
Solo AI Website Creator
Raj Singh
used this to buildSolo AI Website CreatorSolo AI Website Creator
(203 points)
Netlify is a core part of the backend stack for Solo and it automated several tasks
Pictogram Generator
used this to buildPictogram Generator Pictogram Generator
(124 points)
Help me to increase efficiency and just made my life better.
Social Trends Tracker
Chris Shuptrine
used this to buildSocial Trends TrackerSocial Trends Tracker
(67 points)
Great tool for self-hosting one's website. Pretty cheap and rarely has issues.
DEV Community
Jess Lee
used this to buildDEV ChallengesDEV Community
(109 points)
Thank you to Netlify for being an early DEV Challenges partner 💚
Hemanth M
used this to
(52 points)
It has the best free tier for starters,,,
Hazimi Asyraf
used this to buildRankReelRankReel
(47 points)
Netlify hosting powers our frontend Next JS app seamlessly.
Edgardo Ramírez
used this to buildShotKiShotKi
(110 points)
Netlify is very simple to use if you want to ship your own products.
Random Song Generator
used this to buildRandom Song GeneratorRandom Song Generator
(61 points)
Netlify is great for hosting next.js. I used to love Vercel, but decided to switch due to the recent updates. Overall it has been quick and easy to deploy and have so far not had any issues.
Hazimi Asyraf
used this to buildSiramSiram
(67 points)
Netlify hosting and edge functions powers our online store, easy to deploy too!
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