

Authentication & Payments for Webflow. Total design freedom.
•118 reviews•5 shoutouts•

What is Memberstack?

Memberstack empowers you to build anything - from gated blogs, to social media platforms - all using Memberstack & Webflow (or, whatever else you use to build sites & apps). Over 3,000 companies like Slack, Reddit, and American Airlines use Memberstack to build scalable, custom membership experiences. You can build everything you need without coding - but, you can also incorporate your own code into your projects and scale with Memberstack to a full-blown react application.

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4.85/5 based on 118 reviews
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Maker reviews of Memberstack

Ian Ruta
used this to buildSupersparks 1.0Supersparks
(93 points)
Memberships, auth, and much more for community websites.
StudioForm Pro Library
Leon Barth
used this to buildStudioForm Pro LibraryStudioForm Pro Library
(273 points)
Memberstack has been a game-changer for the StudioForm Pro Library, providing seamless authentication and payment solutions that integrate perfectly with Webflow. This allowed us to offer secure login and membership features for our users without compromising on design. With Memberstack, we maintained total design freedom while implementing robust backend features necessary for our SaaS product.
Petit Hack
used this to build[Sending]flow[Sending]flow
(160 points)
Memberstack helped us manage subscriptions easily and, most importantly, track the status of each subscription with its API, maintaining seamless functionality.
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Ben Parker
•4 reviews
Memberstack is such an incredible membership platform AND they have an incredible team that's easy to work with. One of my favorite platforms!
Derek J
•2 reviews
When looking to integrate a membership there are now several players. I previously used Memberstack 1.0 and it was good. But that was a couple of years ago, so many new players came into the space. I tried a competitor and after an hour of piecing things together, it still felt broken. So I returned to Memberstack. This time it was 2.0. And man, it only took 5 minutes from creating an account to having the basic functionality consistently working. It may lack some features, but the support, community, and team are dedicated to continuously improving Memberstack.
Brian Ficho
•1 review
Team was incredibly helpful helping me solve problems unique to our deployment
Scott Amenta
•1 review
We've been working with Memberstack to power the membership subscriptions and account management for a few of our professional communities. The product from 1.0 to 2.0 has shown remarkable improvements in functionality, user experience and integrations especially between Stripe and Webflow. The team, and Duncan especially, is also incredibly responsive to feedback, highly communicative, and are pushing new features at an awesome rate. We couldn't be happier growing our businesses with the support of Memberstack.
John Ferreira
•4 reviews
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