All was well with High Sierra, then Mojave was released and High Sierra removed from the App Store. BIG Microsoft-like move by Apple! Apple is forcing loyal users to upgrade and not be able to revert. Well, Mojave killed my network connection and there were NO viable solutions to a fix. I tried everything I could find online (using my Macbook Pro because my desktop iMac Pro was rendered useless by Mojave). Thankfully, I stumbled across an EXCELLENT step-by-step video that demonstrated how to download a copy of High Sierra installer. The ONLY way to get rid of Mojave was to back up my files and apps then completely erase my hard drive. I've wasted more than two days going through the procedure of backing up my hard drive to an external drive, installing High Sierra on my MacBook, loading it onto a flash drive, erasing my iMac hard drive, restarting my iMac using the flash drive with a bootable copy of High SIerra, then transferring all my files and apps from the external drive to my iMac hard drive.
Wow! Apple really screwed the pooch with Mojave and removing High Sierra from the app store. I'm certain Steve Jobs is turning over in his grave with the way Apple has become more and more like Microsoft by forcing loyal users to do what Apple dictates, not what the users want!!
It's extremely annoying, dark mode is unreadable and I can't keep my dark dock on..
I love it no regrets, recommended than the NEW Mojave update... Disappointed only liked the Dark mode that's it the rest are trash for me, would love to downgrade from High Sierra again.