
Lightweight, scalable animations
170 reviews4 shoutouts

Maker Shoutouts

Testimonials from top launches

Darren Fanton
used this to buildScreenSpace
(307 points)
Lottie animations help our customers bring their interactive demos and videos to life.
Kindly Ink
used this to buildKindly InkKindly Ink
(210 points)
It offers many interesting resources, is easy to use, and delivers excellent results.
Self Therapy: Mental Care
Alperen Demirdöğer
used this to buildSelf TherapySelf Therapy: Mental Care
(74 points)
Our animations are powered by LottieFiles. Using Lottie, we bring smooth, high-quality animations to life, enhancing the user experience.
Blinko for Figma & FigJam
used this to buildBlinko for Figma & FigJamBlinko for Figma & FigJam
(40 points)
Big thanks to LottieFiles for making things simpler!✨ Thanks for making content more engaging and visually appealing. Lottie made complex animations simple and lightweight! ⚡