AI applications based on GPT4 are common on the market,But I have to say that legalnow has truly achieved some value that others have not.
1、If you want to make money, you have to be useful. We have seen too many ambitious teams, but they cannot even create a product that can meet the practical needs of people's lives. And for this product, I don't need to say much. If you need a contract, just use it
2、In addition to a hardcore legal background, we also discover. The ubiquitous feature explanations and guidance of legalnow.Perhaps for some people, it does not meet their expectations for casual conversations about AI products.But come on, let's go back to the first point. What are you doing here? This is not for fun, but to address specific human needs. If you enjoy divergent gossip, you can hire a lawyer in real life as long as you pay on time