The product is a good idea with a poor implementation and pricing plans say "+ costs" that their own AI cant explain. I think its meant to be more for landing pages or maybe AI agents as it server goes down and sql lite also.. a pitty. With the time i spent trying to build something simple (login + form) and their deployments and stucks worth cheking the python library or asking chatgpt. You need to pay to test if works with something simple.. still waiting for the bill as i have no place to check how much did i spend in "+ costs".
No free app testing.
What tf you think?
Can't even test if its good,looks like scam + the prices are nearly 2x higher than chatgpt plus💀.
Only Americans can afford it,for everyone else:
Hey Krysrian,
Thanks for the comment! Thought I'd share some thoughts.
- We don't compete with chatgpt, our service let's you build software and run it in the cloud.
- We have lots of customers all around the world so it's not just for Americans...
- The current price is $9.99 a month which is cheaper than Chatgpt plus.
- Anyone who dislikes the service after trying it for $9.99 can message support and get their money back.
Anyways, thanks again for the comment!
Lazy AI