
A more considered travel companion
26 reviews

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We exist to bring better design and thinking around how we travel. To elevate your travel standard from product-buying to being augmented around the experience of considered design and service.

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Recent July Launches

July The carry-on suitcase reinvented

Launched on December 7th, 2018

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Genius Pack
Genius Pack
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4.85/5 based on 26 reviews
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Andreas Mahringer
2 reviews

Lifetime warranty - how about that!!

A Maryanne
1 review
Charlie Lowe
1 review

I’m always travelling for work and doing quick trips here and there. I never check my luggage because I like to be quick and get out of the airport as soon as possible, so this bag is perfect for me. It’s a great size and has awesome functionality. I also often take my luggage with me when I go to client meetings and fly out that day, so having a sexy looking back is also great!

Nicholas Psalti
2 reviews

Came across July from a fellow business traveler who also felt the pain of never finding the ideal carry on - especially one that looks good and solves the handle height thing. Have had people comment on the design and color (mine is green). Looks and feels super strong but we’ll see how it handles our rugged Aussie airports but I’m super confident in the quality as the wheels (probably the biggest telling point) are probably the best of the more subtle features. One of the better purchases this year! Oh and the charger is a true lifesaver -even for laptops! One last thing, no more annoying hum and grind when wheeling around As these wheels are to luggage what a silencer is to a pistol.

Paul Peng
1 review

People always boast about their travel experiences. But why just boast about experiences when you can also boast about your awesome little luggage friend? Yess!! Hello July

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