Very excited to finally get a chance to try to out in production! After I had the opportunity to play around with the initial beta several months back, the potential was immediately obvious – but with this official release, it's definitely taken to the next level. I'm really excited by how it not only integrates the initial prototyping features of Silver Flows, but also shows the actual flows between screens, similar to what can be achieved with the User Flows plug-in. Good job, Craft team!
It's a powerful tool for creating interactive prototypes and managing the design process. Easy to use, it provides convenient collaborative editing and project discussion. An excellent choice for web designers and development teams
I've been a user of Invision for around a year now and never looked back, recent months has seen me throw in some Watch UI in their Web View but this is going to be way better! All I have to say is Invision helps me every day look even more professional than I probably should look. ;)
we use this regularly at duxter and it's by far been the best way we've found to minimize the cognitive barrier that exists between design specs and a functioning site.