Integrately -1 Click integration

1 Click Integrations For Non-Techies
235 reviews

What is Integrately -1 Click integration?

Search From Millions Of Fully Ready Integrations, And Activate Them In 1 Click. The Easiest & Cost Effective Automation Platform You Need to Perform any kind of sales, marketing, leads emails, invoices. With Support over 500+ apps and countless functionality

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Integrately (Zapier Alternative) was ranked at #3 Product of the year for 2021
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4.98/5 based on 235 reviews
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Diran George
4 reviews
I've been using Integrately almost flawlessly for 2 years. Sure it's not perfect and there have been issues but I've never had problems with tech support and they always get the issue resolved. It's good value (I got the lifetime deal) and very flexible. All the systems I need to integrate are covered either with native connectors or with webhooks. I'm doing some clever things too, like automating my page creation workflows, refund requests, new user sign ups + social proofing and more. It's a fantastic self-service tool and the learning curve is practically zero (only data transformations require some research). I can't recommend Integrately highly enough, and they have real recurring revenue, I have confidence that they are here to stay, vs some other IPaaS systems. Obviously, they are not Zapier but they're aiming to catch up. This gets 5 stars from me
Damián Vial Loiseau
1 review
This tool completely changed the way we worked and has helped us save a lot of time and simplify processes that we could only do manually. It is incredibly easy to use, and your technical team has always been extremely helpful and willing to solve any problems or learning curve we have had. You should definitely give it a try!
Mostafa El Deeb
2 reviews
Very good
Allam Salim (Allam Al-Khafaji)
5 reviews
أعتقد أن Integrately -1 Click integration هي أداة مفيدة جدًا لتسهيل عملية الاندماج بين التطبيقات المختلفة. يمكن استخدامها لتوصيل التطبيقات بسرعة وسهولة دون الحاجة إلى البرمجة.
Tayshiro Kudo
12 reviews
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