Hi everyone!
I've been involved with Hardcover as a user and supporter for over a year now, and I also joined its Librarian corps when the team first opened it up. I'm a mega-reader, averaging over 200 books per year for the last 4 years, and I'll still get near that number this year even when I was *trying* to go slower. BookSirens.com ranks me among the Top 1% in both reading diversity and readers helped among all those who have submitted data for their analysis.
Hardcover has been great in so many areas already, and we're really just getting started. We've already got one of the best AI tools in the game, if not *the* best. We've already got some of the most granular statistics of any book library system I've found to date - and I've found a lot of them over the years. Our social feed system is already one of the better ones out there, easily allowing you to see feeds of just those you follow or even all activity on the system with just a single click, as well as the sometimes-infamous-in-other-systems "For You" feed, which combines the two and tailors them to your interests.
As @stelofo and @adamfortuna have said, we're all about making this site the go-to place for *every* reader and *everyone* involved in making books happen. We don't care if you're reading the first book you've read since high school or if you read hundreds of books per year, we want to be the place where you come to find and talk about books. And yes, we even want to be the place that authors, publishers, and everyone else in the industry can come to find the tools they need for their various functions as well - and while we have some ideas there, we'd love to hear what *you* think so that we can try to be the first to make those ideas a reality.
So come join us, and let's make revolutionize this game in ways it never has been before.