What do you think about Habitica?
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What do people think of Habitica?
The community submitted 7 reviews to tell us what they like about Habitica, what Habitica can do better, and more.
3.4/5All time (7 reviews)
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•6 reviews
I loved the concept, but it was just too much information for me. It became more of a chore than an act of enjoyment to log my tasks. I felt it was hard to keep up and I tried downloading it several times during different periods of my life, but it just did not fit with my style. I think it could be a great option for others that like to be more involved and spend a bit more time in logging habits for fun rewards.
•1 review
As an app, Habitica is buggy, slow to load and lacking in features with no significant new releases in years. But the staff promote the vibrant community as a major USP for their app. And it was vibrant... until they removed fired their moderation team with no preparation, alienated all volunteers on the platform and posted rude and threatening messages, violating their own community guidelines. Anyone speaking up against these changes is being muted or banned with no explanation. Give your custom to a deserving company, not this one.
•1 review
Terrible under current management. Its owned by venture capitalists now and they have no idea what they're doing. It used to be great, until they tried to silence anyone who spoke about the fact that they fired all of their hardworking player mods during a strike, because staff refused to thank or acknowledge the hard work the mods did (for free, on their own time) to cover up the new team's mistakes. Now they are removing guilds so no one can talk at all because they "lack the resources," and claim "legal reasons." Yeah we all know why that is. I emailed the admin to ask them to reconsider, along with many others. I mentioned I would be canceling my subscription. I was permanently banned in response. They behave like nazis; quite draconian for no reason at all. I had been an active subscriber for going on 4 years. Never had an issue until this began earlier in the year. It used to be wonderful for socializing and joining fun challenges with likeminded people. On 8/8/23, that will become obsolete. There are much better apps out there that do more than this will after that date. Its not worth going back. They stole all of those years of my life's progress to cover up their own failure. If they don't care about the users, this is not a viable company. Many subscribers have been leaving due to facing the same issues and changes. It's not worth it.
•1 review
I like Habitica, but the community is very weak nowadays. Thus, it's rare to update the service and add new features.
•1 review
I really enjoy this app bc I already implemented walking, water, trainings on a daily bases thanks to it.
•2 reviews
I've been using Habitica (previously Habit RPG) for years now. If you haven't tried it, you should. It's a fun and easy way to turn your life into a game and feel like you're winning at it. :D
Pro tip (from personal experience): If you find yourself with a lengthy task list that you never finish and just feel guilty about, scrap it and start over with smaller, actionable items. Life should be fun!
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