What do you think about Golden Ratio Typography (GRT) for Email?
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What do people think of Golden Ratio Typography (GRT) for Email?
The community submitted 3 reviews to tell
us what they like about Golden Ratio Typography (GRT) for Email, what Golden Ratio Typography (GRT) for Email can do better, and
ΟΟΟ I've been using GRT since the early Thesis days - this thing rocks - I never have to worry about line-height, line length etc - beaut-phi-full type, right out of the box π€πΌ
It is legit. I'm on ConvertKit (switched over from Mailchimp a year or two ago). I just want my emails to look more... like... real? I like that GRT doesn't put emphasis on fancy stuff, and that the author has really thought a lot about the science of readability.