This is so good! Only been using it for a couple of hours and already identified a bunch of things we need to improve on. Was actually cringing when I saw how users kept trying to do something but weren't able too.
I usually work on analysis, so I need the full story to understand all user friction or success sessions. It's now a crucial tool in my daily work as an analyst.
We've been using Fullstory at Bridg for a while now and it's a really solid product. Learning about how your customers behaviors and how they interact with your product is crucial and Fullstory makes it drop-dead simple.
Fullstory is simply amazing. With FullStory you quickly learn what is working and what is not working with your website. Let us use it for free is really an amazing gesture since the tool is awesome. Too valuable. Simply love it.
FullStory is seriously one of the best things we use on our team. The ability to view how users interact, get stuck or even replay "something went wrongs" is incredibly useful. And as a designer, your design language is on point 👌. Keep it up FullStory team ;)