@alex_chepovoi + @alex_dyadischev Congrats on the big launch!!
Your journey from freelancing to forming a platform that streamlines IT hiring is really cool. With 400+ talented individuals from 30+ countries and a straightforward hiring process, you're offering a valuable solution to startups and SMBs alike.
Curious about your vetting process - Are the interviews multistage? Are they personality based? and for the technical interviews - who on your team is deciding if they're qualified enough?
Always eager to hear about technical vetting metrics and how you've decided to do this at scale!
Hi Daniel, thanks for the feedback and questions.
So, we've got 2 major interviews:
1. 30-min call with our HR where we check communication skills and English
2. 1-1.5h call with one of our tech experts to check tech stack knowledge and other staff. For each vertical, we have a dedicated person whom we trust to make this decision regarding qualification and level of experience.
We haven't developed grades yet. But I think we will move in this direction soon.
Congratulations on your product launch! Expert Remote is going to be a game changer by having vetted resources available with video interviews and details. Great product!
They provide a top-notch developer marketplace, and matches companies with talented professionals. Whether you're looking for developers, ML engineers, data scientists, UI/UX designers, or even product managers, I believe Expert Remote is a promising place to look for. Highly recommended for both businesses and job seekers!
@alex_chepovoi You can add Notion builders to your talent stack. it's still a low coding tech skill and it's growing in demand!
Congrats on your successful launch, thanks god I'm not launching with you in the same week :D