Most drivers are bad enough. No one needs a reason to be on their phone in the car. If you're a passenger and you want to play a game, ok fine. The driver has a job to do and it certainly shouldn't involve a phone.
I have been using Drivetime for the past several months and find it highly enjoyable. I think I'm up to 70+ quizzes to date
For people concerned about distracted driving, I would be curious what they do presently during their commute. Our minds require more stimulus than driving can provide, therefore we add talk radio, podcasts, music, etc. Worse, we can be tempted to them with phone conversations and, unfortunately, text and email.
Since using Drivetime I've noticed that my normal distracted driving outlets have actually decreased. While using the app, I cannot engage with the rest of my phone (other than maps) which is a sneaky-safe aspect of the app.
I would encourage people to try Drivetime for themselves, prior to casting aside under the premise that it's unsafe. If you are uncomfortable doing a trial while commuting, then try it at your desk or while you're cooking. I think you'll begin to see the affect it has on distraction is actually positive.
When we're driving, we're essentially operating a 2-ton potential weapon. Do you really think it's a good idea to draw people's eyes and attention away from the road? Hands-free operation or not, people are going to be looking at this app as they play. The screen even animates, which is a guaranteed way to get people to look at it. MOTION DRAWS ATTENTION.
Seriously, don't release this.