Coin Price Bar shows realtime prices of popular cryptocurrencies on your MacBook Touch Bar.
Supported cryptocurrencies:
- Bitcoin
- Bitcoin Cash
- Ethereum
- Litecoin
- Ripple
The app runs in background and can be accessed anywhere by tapping the ₿ icon on the Touch Bar Control Strip.
I found it required too much effort to configure the Touchbar to ensure this extension remains available so that I can rely on it as a source of information. The Touchbar is simply too dynamic and the burden falls on my to configure it, which requires 3rd party tools I'm sticking to Coin Tick on MacOS and Crypto Pro on iOS/watchOS for now.
Coin Tick gives me more information, and lives in a place better suited to it's purpose for at-a-glance information.
Interesting concept, will keep an eye on future development.