
Turn Your Deck into Engaging Presentations in Seconds
30 reviews

What is ClassPoint?

ClassPoint is transforming traditional PowerPoints into audience-focused productive presentations. With effective whiteboard tools, audience polls, and AI-generated questions, you can capture interest, crowdsource questions & ideas, and reinforce training objectives.

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4.93/5 based on 30 reviews
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82 reviews
I like the interactive presentation tool you offer. I have to admit that also your presentation website looks so professional! I keep my fingers crossed for your launch!
Shital Gohil
31 reviews
Congratulations on the launch of ClassPoint! Your endeavor to transform traditional PowerPoint presentations into interactive and engaging experiences is indeed praiseworthy. Given the popularity and wide usage of platforms like Canva, which offer a broad range of design tools for presentations and more, how would you differentiate ClassPoint? Are there specific features or capabilities that ClassPoint provides which sets it apart from other similar platforms like Canva?
27 reviews
Congrats on the launch ! Can't wait to try this. This is super useful for me on two fronts- internally as the marketing lead I am having to make multiple presentations to my C-suite to get approvals for our campaigns- having a deck and having a story-telling presentation that can capture their imagination makes a whole lot of difference. Most people don't understand this or are limited by their ability to make those super cool presentations and pitching style that you see Don Draper do in Mad Men. This tool looks to be solving for this same problem !
Leo J Barnett
4 reviews
Beautifully designed and I love all the opportunities for Quizzing here ! Quizzing myself after learning something is suchhhh a good way to remember and recap. Interactive learning is the future! Huge Congrats guys
Rana Phool
3 reviews
A wonderful experience.
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