What do you think about Audio2Doc - A chatbot on YouTube?
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What do people think of Audio2Doc - A chatbot on YouTube?
The community submitted 4 reviews to tell
us what they like about Audio2Doc - A chatbot on YouTube, what Audio2Doc - A chatbot on YouTube can do better, and
Finally! A simple, easy to use, summarization extension. That's intuitive and really simple to use. No extra mess.
To contradict myself a bit, maybe adding a suggested "summarize this video" button above the chatbot?
Really loved using this - I’m the kinda person who watches on 5x the speed to try and find the relevant nugget of info I need from a video - this allows me to extract the answers literally instantly.
Needed something like this for years. A whole world of invaluable info locked up in time-consuming video format is finally accessible. All you have to do is ask 🔥🔥🔥
Really super cool tool
Hey Taishi, have been using this for a while now and have to say this is one of the most useful GPT integrations for Youtube I've seen. It's so much easier for me to just chat with a video transcript instead of getting just pre-baked summaries! Appreciate the work.