0x Portal

0x Portal

A dApp for user on-boarding, education and DEX discovery.
29 reviews

What is 0x Portal?

0x powered decentralized exchanges have collectively facilitated more than $170M of Ethereum token trading volume. However, to achieve mainstream adoption, they must overcome significant UX challenges associated with self-custody and user on-boarding. In comes 0x Portal - a dApp for user on-boarding, education and DEX discovery.

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5/5 based on 29 reviews
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Sam Campbell
17 reviews

Easy, step-by-step UI that helps users trade ERC20 tokens through decentralized exchanges. Bringing crypto to the non-technical!

2 reviews

samples should also include examples of erc721 and not just erc720

Marcus Molchany
12 reviews
Francesco Agosti
1 review
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