What is UiWorks?
What I deliver in $499/Project?: Get UI code for all (iPhone / iPad / Watch / Mac, Vision Pro ) devices and screen sizes in Swift & Obj-C + Macro and Micro Animations + Orientations support + Dark/Light mode support + Localisations + Custom Fonts + Accessibility Labels + App intro guide pagination or tooltip / walkthrough / tutorials + Haptic Touch / 3D Touch + Multitask mode Support on iPad
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Recent UiWorks Launches

XCLOC Translator Make your iOS app(Xcode/Projects) available to all languages
Launched on July 9th, 2023
Forum Threads
XCLOC Translator - Make your iOS app(Xcode/Projects) available to all languages
App helps in localization your existing iOS, iPad, macOS, tvOS, watchOS, visionOS apps.
1. Export XCLOC files from Xcode project.
2. Open those files, Paste ChatGPT api_key & hit translate now then
3. Import those localized files back to XcodeProject.