Launched on December 14th, 2017
TheReviewIndex aggregates user reviews from Amazon.com, uses Neural Networks to create feature-wise summary scorecards at real time, and shows you what's broken & what's not.
Currently supports electronics/appliances/gadgets.
Have a go and let us know if you would like us to expand to your country (or support other categories).
Reading reviews, on sites like Amazon, is a bit too tedious. Most products have hundreds, even thousands of reviews. It’s impossible to make sense of that many reviews, let alone compare across products.
Review Index uses Neural Network to detect and quantify recurring patterns in reviews, enabling one to go through thousands of reviews in minutes
I think this is a brilliant product, it definitely feels to me that it fills a massive need, with reviews in their current state being extremely hard to quantify.
The Review Index definitely helps paint a narrative to all the reviews in a kind of unified review. Love it, and will continue to use it.
I have used the platform to compare the features and reviews while buying a mobile phone online. It's extremely convenient to have all the relevant information. It helped a lot while taking a buying decision.