Podcast player: Podurama

Podcast player: Podurama

Free cross-platform podcast player - mobile, web and desktop
9 reviews

What is Podcast player: Podurama?

Early users get free lifetime sync of their podcasts between unlimited devices. Podurama is available on iOS, Android, Web, macOS and Windows10. It has all the features of a standard podcast player plus many more like creating public/collaborative playlists.

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Review Podcast player: Podurama?

4.89/5 based on 9 reviews
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Charissa Pilster
2 reviews
I was a Stitcher user for over a decade. After trying at least 10 other apps, Podurama is where I’ve landed. It still has some improvements to match some of my favorite Stitcher features, but surpasses others. The key thing it has is sorting new episodes by my top podcast. They have a default of 20 episodes, but if I set it to 1, it keeps me on the newest! The UX of auto play could use some work, as I still have to fumble around to find the play button, but it still works! The ability to change the speed podcasts playback in Carplay is another issue. I have to dig for this to slow them down or speed them up some times (I usually listen to them at 1.4x-2x) I love that you can put multiple tags on Podcasts and group them, that you can share groups with others, there is an ability to see recently played and the ability to rate episodes! Looking forward to spending the next 10+ years on Podurama.
joujou tdj
1 review
I've been using Podurama for a few months and i'm very happy with it, i still can't believe it's a free app, as it is better than apps i have previously used and even paid for. If i had to sum things up, i'd say it has high levels of customization combined with simple and effective design. The app is still under work, yet already fully functionnal. And you can give feedback and make suggestions to the dev, which is pretty cool !
Va S
1 review
The features this app has is like no other. I am still discovering new features everyday and I have been on the app for months :). I love the bookmarking option and the collaborative playlists. The UI has undergone massive improvements lately it seems and makes it visually appealing.
2 reviews
This is the best podcasting app available now, and believe me, I've tried them all. It has every single feature you might need, like dark mode, cross device sync, silence trimming, volume boost and more. It's free at the moment for early adopters and has a clean, modern look. I've permanently switched over and I'm sure you will too.
B Vt
1 review
Love that the podcast search ability is so effective at finding good content. Better than any other podcaster I’ve tried.
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