

Create web applications with the power of React components
74 reviews180 shoutouts

What is Next.js?

The React framework for production. Next.js provides zero-configuration automatic code splitting, filesystem based routing, hot code reloading and universal rendering.

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Next.js 12
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Next.js Analytics Your True Lighthouse

Launched on October 27th, 2020

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4.84/5 based on 74 reviews
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Maker reviews of Next.js

Om Patel
used this to buildLinkeddit
(597 points)
Next.js was our go-to framework for building Linkeddit. It handled everything from server-side rendering to lightning-fast routing, enabling a smooth and efficient development process. While we considered using React without a framework, Next.js offered more features and a better developer experience for building scalable applications.
Samanyou Garg
used this to buildSEO AI AgentWritesonic
(787 points)
Very good frontend framework.
Subhadip Saha
used this to buildCodeNearbyCodeNearby
(73 points)
Next.js is the go-to choice over alternatives like CRA or Nuxt because of its server-side rendering (SSR), static site generation (SSG), and API routes—all natively integrated with React. Its performance optimizations (Image & Font Optimization, Middleware, Edge Functions) and deep Vercel integration make it unbeatable for modern web applications that need speed and scalability.
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Wouter Raateland
6 reviews
(Perhaps contrary to what you read on X nowadays...) Next.js has reduced the complexity of web development a ton for me, especially since the app router. So many times, when building a single feature, I actually only have to edit code in a single file. Can't overstate the headspace that this saves me. Their stability does need a bit of work. However, the team is working hard on this and is very transparent in sharing their progress.
3 reviews
I find Next.js to be an exceptional framework that combines the best of server-side rendering, static site generation, and modern development practices to build high-performance web applications effortlessly.
5 reviews
very nice and creative design , thanks for sharing
Timi Lab
11 reviews
Next.js stand out to be the best framework I've ever used, It's simple and lovable by all. The app router experience has never disappointed me since I moved to it.
Deven Vyas
1 review
Helps get up & running quickly and takes care of most UI best practices, we have been using it since 5 years now - However, it seems to be going downhill with the new versions which are filled with changes as if they are being made in a developer bubble.
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