THIS AMA WILL GO LIVE AT 9am PST March 19Hey Product Hunt!
I’m Merrill Lutsky, co-founder & CEO of Graphite, the code review platform for the age of AI.
I founded Graphite in 2020 with my co-founders Tomas & Greg, bubbling together during covid & running the office out of a tiny apartment in the East Village, NYC. Since then we’ve grown to a team of 30 people in our Soho office serving thousands of customers, from small startups to massive orgs like Shopify, Snowflake, Datadog, and more!
So many companies right now are focused on the “inner loop” of software development: using AI to generate code. However, anyone who has been a software engineer at a larger company knows this is only half of the story - those code changes still need to pass through the “outer loop” of development: reviewing, testing, merging, and deploying. As AI code generation tools like Windsurf, Cursor, & Copilot help us write code faster than ever, we also need an AI-native "outer loop" toolchain that can keep pace. Graphite is building this new outer loop, using AI to help cut down on review cycles and ship higher quality code, faster.
Ask me anything about what it’s like to found and grow a devtools company during a global pandemic, how AI is changing software engineering, or even my thoughts on techno, techwear, or training for marathons!