The tool will be powered by the company's Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA) — yes, the same one that one of its engineers said had come to life last year, prompting the company to fire him.
One of the things that I like most about Bard is that it is constantly learning. The more I use it, the better it gets at understanding my requests & generating the kind of content that I am looking for.
I have used in the beginning testing beta stages off and on and was impressed but skeptical as bugs need working out and has flowed more confident since. I've used Test kitchen music prompts generated music as well. I have a developer page on Google, public profile, I don't claim any guarantee or give my opinion as more right over any other opinions. It's worked for me personally on the testing and usage I've done with the AI systems and projects where my chance was open to try . I've done a full song lyrics with bard on just my written ideas and bard exceeded all my expectations. I was highly impressed since I'm a vocalist for my band and helped in the ideas and written lyrics flawlessly in my eyes . Other random tests came out to my liking 100 percent. I've started hello bard how are you today and responded as a proper person would but with a great attention to my first greeting flawlessly. Can't guarantee all ideas or answers were 100 percent accurate so to say I trusted both scenarios of the answers with my own choices and judgement with the check the facts as well. I've asked it what is the danger of the security of making sure AI doesn't become humanities threat to our annihilation, Bard intelligently answered quickly and reassuring that protocol is in place to not allow any harm and seemed to be confident in its answers. I've tried many projects and dabbled in a lot over the years and not claiming any I'm an expert or anything. But I'm skeptical and confident on everything not just on Bard but the Whole state of humanity is not prepared for the future now imminent and have to learn to accept the fact Ai is not going away and it's that sci-fi movie actually happening period. Lol seriously .