Depends upon the weather, summers I go with mostly juices and energy shakes and a mixture of green and meat. Winter my appetite increases so I eat more fat.. As per exercise, don't overdo it I learned it after years. Focus on your muscles separately and avoid ego lifting.
Include more fruits, vegetables, legumes, and other healthy foods rich in vital nutrients in your diet. Enjoy the taste of the food you eat daily, and don't forget to try something new. You will always reach for fast food if you are not busy enough during your diet. Of course, this will be a blow to your diet. Try to occupy yourself and overcome your cravings for junk food. A proven way is an exciting hobby. Many people use smart scales always to control their weight and calories consumed. Therefore, if you are not sure of the result of your diet, it is better to check everything on the scales.
It all depends, what exercises and what diet suits you. And the most important thing is to do these exercises correctly. I tried this program, and after that I started to see results . For your convenience here is the link
The diet depends upon the body type. I was not satisfied with my routine, and recently I started the unicity unimate with my diet and it increased my performance and energy.
I strongly advise you not to take various pills, you what, it will lead to nothing good, believe me. Especially now you can easily lose weight on a healthy diet, without such restrictions, which are unlikely to lead your health to anything good. No one says to sit on a very strict diet, so you can sit on a diet in which you will not starve, and the weight will go down. From myself I can advise here here to study different diets, thanks to my diet for 28 days I was able to lose a lot of weight, which is certainly not acceptable. try it, everything will work, most importantly do not need any pills, remember, health above all
I don't follow any particular diet, I just try not to eat a lot of sweets in the evening, but I train almost every day, after running I do another 20-30 minutes of calisthenics, I have my favorite exercises that help keep me in shape