Zekiye Nur Kesici

Is being distracted by your team members a problem for you?

Slack notifications are really a distraction for me during the day and prevent me from working in a focused way. I sometimes work at night to be able to work in a focused way. Do you have this problem? What tactics do you use to finish your day as planned?

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Kyra Aylsworth
Slack notifications can be a distraction but our work culture helps โ€“ we know that a Slack message, unless urgent, doesn't require an immediate response. I worry more that I'm interrupting others when I ping them โ€“ would love an ambient way of understanding what they're doing atm, in the moment.
Mansi Trivedi
I sometimes feel like setting boundaries in remote systems is necessary.. Out of hour messages and notifications sometimes aren't very welcomed! ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜
Sometimes, yeah. One way to better productivity is by dropping into chat once in a way. For example, a couple of mins for an hour or something. So we don't toggle across work and chat a lot.
Macklin Buckler
I am a one-person company, but I am working with a handful of clients across different Slack channels. Once I start hiring, it's going to get hectic (that's how it was in my last company). Spoke.ai launched a tool called Priority Inbox for Builders, which uses AI to filter messages. It looks promising and I think these kinds of tools will become more popular.
Jeff Fajans
@zekiye_nur_kesici What boundaries have you talked about setting up with your team? Do you have any times during the day where it is understood by everyone (and committed to) for deep work blocks? (Where possibly all notifications are OFF)? What does your ideal schedule look like? What would make you most productive? Feel free to use this free template to first identify what YOUR ideal week would look like: https://docs.google.com/document... And then hit me up if you need some tips for how to get your team on board. Typically, I see team distractions being the result of one (or multiple of) 4 things: - lack of clarity on what is most effective for the leader or team - lack of communication - lack of agreement/alignment/commitment - lack of coaching/feedback to team members
Igor Lysenko
No, we have a separate channel where we just communicate. And work chat.
Louisa Lu (launching soon)
I tried to be on do-not-distrubed on phone and mac when I am focusing on one task on asana at a time.. i know my cto uninstalled the slack on phone to prevent himself from being distracted... I feel I do a pretty good job ignoring everyone...but I worry about my rest of the teams. I would blast messages at odd hours and i see them responding right away.. this really means that they are being interrupted to respond to him..i went through a training session with them..basically the gist is..ignore ur message till you are ready to respond.. esepcially for engineer