I have seen 7 days trial, 15 days trial, 30 days trial, 1 time trial and many others. What is adequate for a potential user time to check out and decide.
30 days trial is the standard, but SaaS companies using freemium model are offering 14 days trial. In this case, you will definitely not convert, since people know they don’t need your product after few days. __ days trial is probably the right number, but would suggest you to have 2 options, 14 days trial and 30 days trial. If your product is complex, then the customer should be given enough time to understand the product. You should also offer discount to convert trial to paid user. This is one of the most intelligent ways to reduce churn. When your customer is happy with the product, he will gladly pay for the monthly subscription.
I've seen arguments validating 7, 15, 21 & 30.
Generally the research I've seen leans into the shorter trials but personally, I'd test each variation and go with what works best for you.
As I see usually for B2B companies it is about 15-30 days and for B2C companies it is about 7 days(companies need more time to deploy). But I think it depends on this question:
how many days it takes for your client who are using your service to say to themselves YESS! it is an awesome product and I/we should get it.
In most cases, it is recommended to offer 14-day free trial. If a business is in the early stage, 7-day free trial can be enough. Before choosing the number of days for the free trial, first you should know your conversion rate. A business should increase the number of days for the free trial if the conversion rate is low. On the other hand, a business should offer shorter periods if the conversion rate is high. Customers will be very annoyed to see the payment page after using the software for only one or two days. So use your best judgment when deciding the length of a free trial period.
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