Zekiye Nur Kesici

How do you manage distractions while working from home?

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lanang ari
I'm still looking for a way to avoid this :)
Sven Radavics
Create a space for work and stick to it. Only way I can do it.
Zekiye Nur Kesici
@sven_radavics I even bought myself a desk just for this purpose. haha but it can still be difficult at times. If I have a very busy day and tasks with deadlines that day, I have no trouble focusing on that day.
Music and also a separate space for work help to focus and manage distractions.
Geralt Edison
I am personally on my own and I don’t have door to my room. So I put a couch in front of my laptop and dedicate it to work only. Then I say if I want to do something else, I can’t use my laptop, I use my phone. It works for me most of the time.
In our company, everyone works remotely and we have no problems with productivity
ePayitonline Login
Mobile phones are extremely distracting while working and even more so when employees are without a supervisor's watchful eyes. Encourage your employees to put their mobile phones down during work hours and avoid checking on them unless necessary. My BK Experience
Software Guy (Aarvy)
Amm, yeah it's difficult but also it's kind of a habit to allow yourself to indulge in distractions which can be changed with practice and small steps at a time like using Pomodoro techniques.😊
Luis Enrique Medina
Allocate specific locations directly related to work and other to rest, that way you don't get overwhelmed with home becoming your workplace and you also associate it with focus.
Avital Trifsik
Tried so many solutions the one thing that worked for me are ear plugs, that way I manage to disconnect from everything and achieve more...
David J. Kim
You gotta have different environments for work and play. If you can't do that, when entering "work mode" I find what helps is switching some parts of my environment (different keyboard, turn on desk lamp, etc.)
Georgy Nemtsov
I split work into 45 minutes sessions. During a working sessions I don't check any external communications like slack or email. I focus on a single task. I tell myself, what if went for a long shower. Nobody dies if I don't answer within 45 minutes. That gives me mental permission to disconnect from everything. And it turns out nothing bad happens. The world can wait. After each session I make a 15 minutes break to move and exercise. I can check communication apps. If there is something urgent, I can plan my next working session according to that. If not, I just move on with previously planned work in the next session. A few years ago I wrote an article where I shared my productivity tips https://medium.com/swlh/js-devel...