Business Marketing with Nika

For short text readers: 😁 6 AI tools tat will help you solve real problems

Yesterday, I asked, you answered. You love short text. OK, today, I will provide you very quickly with some AI tools: "I don't know how to use Excel." – Ajelix "I have no inspiration." – ChatGPT "I have a hard time writing a professional email well." – Grammarly "I find it hard to summarize important texts." – Resoomer "I don't know how to manage my money." – Wally GPT "I don't know how to organize my ideas". – Milanote Do you want to stay updated? Subscribe to my newsletter:

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Hugo Aguiar
7 - "Estimate tasks is very hard and boring" - :D
Wow thanks for your sharing!
Great collection ! Thanks for sharing -Not available 24/7 to provide customer support -Not sure how to create a schedule that balances work and personal time? -don't know the multiples languages? -Need simple fast no code solution for all your problem? So, Try YourGPT chatbot with 7 days free trail I am sure you love this solution.