I write down in my diary but I think I need a writable wall where I can follow up the pending tasks, collate my thoughts and can connect all the dots together. For me when I write with my hand gives me the most satisfaction and thoughts to new ideas.
@rg97 Haha, it's old school and absolutely lovely. And yes! If you're not weirded by starting a yearly planner in May (I have to start on January 1, pet peeve). Address on message please.
I used to write a to do list every morning and make sure to check things off the list by the end of the day. Recently I switched to entering all work related tasks on google sheets. I'm on the lookout for better sites/apps to help me do the same.
@rg97 Hey Raghav , It is PMS(Productivity Management System ) developed by my company , it is a software product development company. The DSR we make we add our task , task hours , status - done and pending and its Goal.
I use a notebook to write up my ToDo list the night before. Then in the morning I review it and make a plan what to start working on.
As soon as I complete a task, I go to my ToDo list and cross it off - this gives me a feeling of small win and its nice :)
Around lunchtime I review it again and if priorities have changed I adjust it.
I feel like using a physical pen and notebook is more fulfilling for me :D
Definitely. It is so satisfying to mark tasks as complete. I use notion and you can check out my template aka system on Product Launch. Just search for The Creator System.
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