@jerwin_joshuah That's a shame, it was really useful. I mean, I understand the move but maybe only allowing people with a minimal number of contributions (that would be reviewed) would prevent that in the future.
@emmanuelhadoux I would've preferred a feature where a message can be sent to a user only when they accept a certain request. The maximum messages to new users per day could've been limited to 5 to avoid spamming. I was having some quality conversation with a few makers and everything was gone in a jiffy.
Hmm, this is also an interesting product chat in itself. What do you do when users tell you they love a feature you have just canned?
I guess it was a choice between lost users turned off by spam or potentially losing users by killing a liked feature. I would choose to kill the spam. I was thinking the other day how LinkedIn's value is eroding because of spam levels. Users have been telling me how they now remove their work email address and other info.
@alex_barlow What you have said about Linkedin is very true. It has become a hunting ground for sales teams and job seekers. Linkedin's sales navigator is just being a catalyst to all of this.