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  • Your top 3, all time, startup horror stories?

    Jim Morrison
    5 replies


    Jason Scott
    Few from me from my startup experience 🍻 - Long term and short term goal planning can contribute big to success - It's easy to get distracted building something at length that doesn't really contribute much back to to the business - Ads can rapidly drain a marketing budget
    Jim Morrison
    @jasonscott yeah, that #2 is a killer. I have to really, really work on myself to make small iterations. A #buildinpublic approach really helps with that.
    Jim Morrison
    I'll start! 1️⃣ Building a product you don't use yourself. 2️⃣ Building a complex solution, when a simple one would do. 3️⃣ Not having a clear "why". I've gotta admit - "2️⃣" gets me every time. 🤦‍♂️
    L L
    @jimbomorrison for me, I guess it would be: - not being able to find an available Twitter handle - lots of followers but no engagement - carefully crafted posts being ignored but something I threw up on a whim doing really well. (I do a little social media management, in case you were wondering.)