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  • Why do most products fail to achieve product-market fit?

    Harish Kumar
    3 replies
    TL; DR 1. Validate your idea by getting feedback from potential customers 2. Build a minimum viable product to get feedback 3. Iterate based on feedback until you reach product-market fit. The process of achieving a product-market fit differs for each company, but there are some key things that all successful companies do. -The most important thing that companies must do to achieve product-market fit is to start with a problem that people actually care about. Too often, companies create products that solve problems that nobody has. This is a recipe for disaster. -The second key thing that companies must do is to create a minimum viable product that solves the problem that people have. This means that the product does not need to be perfect, but it does need to be good enough to get people to use it. -Lastly, companies need to get feedback from their users and iterate based on that feedback. This feedback loop is what allows companies to fine-tune their products and make them the best they can be. 3 Key Steps for a Product Market Fit 1. The first step is to validate your idea. This can be done through customer development or surveys. The first step towards achieving product-market fit is to validate your idea. This can be done through customer development or surveys. However, it's important to note that the process of achieving product-market fit differs for each company. For example, a startup might achieve product-market fit by validating a new feature that solves a pain point for their target market, while an established company might achieve product-market fit by re- positioning their product to better match the needs of their target market. In either case, the goal is to validate the idea first that meets the needs of your target market. 3. Once you have validated your idea, it's time to build a minimum viable product (MVP). This MVP should be designed to get feedback from potential customers. The MVP is the most bare-bones version of your product that you can create to still get feedback from potential customers. This feedback is essential in order to validate your idea and make sure that you are on the right track. Remember, it is better to fail early and often than to waste time and resources on a product that ultimately fails. 3. After you've received feedback from your MVP, it's time to iterate and improve your product. This iteration should be continual until you reach product-market fit. After you receive feedback from your MVP, it's time to iterate and improve your product. This iteration should be continual until you reach product-market fit. Why do most products fail to achieve product-market fit? The main reason is that they don't have a clear understanding of their target market. They also haven't taken the time to validate their assumptions about the product with potential customers. As a result, they end up building something that doesn't solve the problem they set out to solve. Key Take Away Achieving product-market fit is essential for any SaaS business. By following the steps outline above, you can increase your chances of success. However, it's important to remember that every company is different, and what works for one might not work for another. The most important thing is to keep iterating and testing until you find a formula that works for your business.


    Kazimieras Melaika
    I think the main problem is the lack of research you did prior to the release or too big and too many competitors. Btw, we’re launching in late May. Check out our upcoming PH page: www.producthunt.com/upcoming/eff... Our project is called: Effecto. It’s an app for detailed habits, health, symptoms, and meds tracking. Pretty much for everything that is related to your physical or mental health and every daily factor that can affect you.
    Kazimieras Melaika
    @harish_crawlq Thanks a lot for the support! ;) Yes, we did narrow our audience with and got our marketing strategy ready for the launch too!
    Harish Kumar
    CrawlQ Audience Research
    CrawlQ Audience Research
    @kmelaika thank you for sharing...your value prop looks very solid. I am sure your audience is in health and tech wellness...but considering the size of this nice...have you tried to narrow down the audience? I will highly recommend narrowing down 5-10 segments of the audience and making content intelligence and audience research strategy. I have subscribed and shared to Twitter too...Best of luck for the launch.