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  • WhatsApp or Telegram?

    Boris Markarian
    93 replies
    Telegram is getting bigger every day, but it's still not as big as WhatsApp. Which one is more popular in your country?


    I use WhatsApp. But, have to admit telegram has certain features which are much better. Their groups, message deletion are some features I like more.
    Boris Markarian
    Sugar Free: Food Scanner
    Sugar Free: Food Scanner
    Personally, I prefer Telegram. I can text and read what I want (news, articles, etc) in the same place without any problems and this is amazing! Also, UX/UI is much better than in WhatsApp.
    Boris Markarian
    Sugar Free: Food Scanner
    Sugar Free: Food Scanner
    @meeral_asif Is it so popular in your country?
    Vladimir Tambovtsev
    Telegram has better UX / UI.
    WPS Office
    WPS Office
    Launching soon!
    Boris Markarian
    Sugar Free: Food Scanner
    Sugar Free: Food Scanner
    @tamsin hahah, why, what do you like in WhatsApp?
    Daniil Maksimov
    Telegram forever. It's much better and easier, and they have awesome sticker packs.
    Michael Shver
    I live in the US, and WhatsApp is certainly more popular here. However, I use Telegram a lot for communication with my startup team and some friends, and, not gonna lie, I really like it. It feels much more versatile, and the UX/UI aspects are excellent!
    Boris Markarian
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    Sugar Free: Food Scanner
    @michaelshver Yes, exactly, it's more versatile and flexible. It's easy to use and has more options than WhatsApp. Anyway I use also WhatsApp on daily basis))
    Michael Shver
    @boris_moris44 yeah, still can't fully switch to Telegram since too many contacts are only on WhatsApp 😂
    Alexander Grossman
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    priyanka prasad
    I still haven’t got a chance to ise telegram extensively. Watsapp has become the default option
    Maurizio Isendoorn
    Whatsapp. Prefer it because everyone has it in the Netherlands (where I'm from)
    Boris Markarian
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    Sugar Free: Food Scanner
    @maurizioisendoorn Wow, I didn't know that WhatsApp is so popular in the Netherlands, so you don't use telegram at all?
    Julia Engelsmann
    Whatsapp! All of my friends use it and I couldn't reach everyone on Telegram
    Jose Garrido
    Whatsapp in southamerica
    Yan Fernandes
    Telegram!!! But here in Brazil, everyone uses whatsApp, so I just use telegram for automations or with a couple of friends.
    Marvin Mändle
    WhatsApp because everybody is using it.
    Wallace Batista
    In my country, more than 90% of the population use WhatsApp, but for me Telegram is 10 times better. The UI/UX is perfect, I can customize everything I want and most of the tools in Telegram have superpowers compared to WhatsApp
    Boris Markarian
    Sugar Free: Food Scanner
    Sugar Free: Food Scanner
    @genwallace I absolutely agree. I think in the next 10-20 years Telegram will be the most popular tool!
    only whatsapp
    Alexander D
    Whatsapp for the kids school chats, Telegram for everything else :)
    Chalie Clark
    whatsap must
    Philip Osei
    WhatsApp just because that's what everyone uses in my circle.
    Boris Markarian
    Sugar Free: Food Scanner
    Sugar Free: Food Scanner
    @unclephilosei In my circle it depends on the age. Young generation spend 80% of their time in Telegram rather than in WhatsApp