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  • What’s your go-to strategy for overcoming creative blocks?

    Andreea S.
    26 replies
    We all hit creative walls sometimes. Whether it's taking a break, seeking inspiration from others, or changing up your environment, everyone has their own way to push through. What’s your favorite method to reignite creativity when you’re feeling stuck?


    Linda Bency
    Sometimes, the best way to overcome a creative block is to talk it out with someone else. I might bounce ideas off a colleague, friend, or even an online community.
    Bianca Tanase
    Taking a break from the task can be surprisingly effective. Whether it’s a short walk, a quick workout, or doing something unrelated like cooking or cleaning, stepping away from the problem allows the mind to relax and reset. Often, inspiration strikes when you’re not forcing it.
    Andreea S.
    @bianca_tanase Great advice! Taking breaks really can refresh the mind and spark new ideas. Do you have a favorite activity you turn to when you need a mental reset?
    Andreea S.
    @bianca_tanase That sounds so refreshing! I also find that getting outside helps clear my mind. For me, hiking in nature, playing a game of tennis, or swimming are my top choices for a mental reset. Each of these activities gives me a change of scenery and a boost of energy.
    Iulian D
    Breaking the task into smaller chunks and focusing on one small part at a time helps me get unstuck
    Andreea S.
    @idowbmarc That's a great approach! Breaking tasks into smaller chunks can make them feel much more manageable.
    Max Zhang
    Stepping away from the task and engaging in a different activity, like taking a walk or chatting with some else. It leads to fresh ideas when I return to the task with a renewed perspective. This simple reset can make a big difference in boosting creativity.
    Divya Ladha
    Refreshing breaks that means break that doesn't involve technology, just clarifying that listening to song doesn't include in technology. I just listen to songs, go out with friends or maybe just go for a walk and change the environment to relax my mind.
    Alexander Galitsky
    A bit of alcohol stimulates creativity
    Udaya Sri
    Not forcing my brain to think creatively helps me to get creative ideas at unexpected situations
    Ayla Reynolds
    Talking it out with a friend colleague helps. Something a different viewpoint is all I need.
    Maryam Adam
    When I hit a creative wall, I surround myself with inspiration. I browse design blogs, visit museums, or flip through old magazines.
    Mila Hughes
    I usually step away and take a walk. A chance of scenery helps clear my mind and sparks new ideas.
    Remington Demi
    Listening to music always does the trick for me. It helps shift my mood and get the creative juices flowing again.
    Ramsey Bolton
    I usually take a short break and switch up my environment. A change of scenery often sparks new ideas for me.
    Scarlett Massey
    When I hit a creative block, I find that seeking inspiration from other people’s work can really help. It’s amazing how a fresh perspective can reignite creativity.
    Bryan Williamson
    I like to mix things up by working in a different space or trying a new approach. It’s surprising how a small change can boost creativity.
    Angela Ni
    For me it's always talk to people. Talking to people from different background, culture; people of different ages who holds different opinions. Really helps me to see a bigger picture
    Jaime Lawson
    I’ll look at books, articles, or artwork related to my project. Seeing how offers approach similar topics can provide fresh ideas and motivate me.
    Magomed Vedzizhev
    Hmm, in my case, sometimes it helps me to just rest a little. Especially when I'm fixated on something creative and have been doing it for a very, very long time. At some point it starts to fail and I just break away from this job. Because there is simply no point in continuing😞
    Sean Cooper
    My go-to strategy is seeking inspiration from different sources. Whether it’s reading a book, watching a documentary, or exploring new art, I find that exposure to new ideas often sparks my creativity.
    Osian Knowles
    I like to switch up my environment when I hit a creative wall.
    Nathan Trevino
    Breaking a project into smaller tasks makes it feel less overwhelming and helps me make steady progress.