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  • What’s the first thing you do in the morning?

    Farwa Abbas
    47 replies


    I always check my phone, after that make the bed
    Brush my teeth and wash my face to clear my head
    Udaya Sri
    I usually check my phone. But I'm trying to break that habit.
    Nayab ishfaq
    The first thing I do in the morning is enjoy a freshly brewed espresso while lounging in my silk robe and catching up on the latest news. It’s my time to indulge and set a luxurious tone for the day ahead.😉
    Madhu Kumari
    The first thing I do is grab a cup of coffee to wake myself up!
    Jesse T. Glover
    I take a few minutes to plan out my day and set some goals. It help me stay focused.
    Dorothy Thompson
    I love to start my mornings by stretching and doing a quick workout. It really gets me energized for the day.
    Nifal Adam
    I'm a morning person, but even I need a little caffeine boost before scrolling Product Hunt.😝 My first thought of the day is, 'Please, let there be something shiny and new waiting for me!'
    Kate Sleeman
    I read a few pages of a book.It’s a peaceful way to ease into the day.
    Mia Haris
    I spend a few minutes meditating. It helps me center myself and start the day with a clear mind
    Tariq Waseem
    Try to sleep again, if not possible then brushing my teeth.
    Brigid Stewart
    I enjoy a quiet moment with a cup of tea. It’s a calm way to start the day and gather my thoughts.
    Desire Waterman
    I start my day with a strong cup of coffee and quick workout to wake up fully.
    Jack Lipsky
    Before I even get out of bed, I drink a bottle of water I set out the night prior. Then go through the morning routine - it really helps to wake up and get focused!
    Iris Matt
    The first thing I do is check my calendar and email to plan my day effectively.
    Tom Nick
    I Make a healthy breakfast and then review my to do list to get organized.
    Change and feed baby!