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  • Should I launch this on PH?

    Zeeshan Akhtar
    35 replies
    Recently, I and my team have created a series on email design. It's called Email Design for Dummies. We shared it on socials in installments and saw really good engagement. Many folks told me how useful it was. Now I am wondering if I should launch this on PH as it can be a good resource for the community at large. What do you think? In case you want to take a look here it is - https://www.mailmodo.com/ebook/email-design-dummies/


    Sabahet Amjad
    It's actually very crisp and pointed - quite bookmark-worthy. I think it should reach more people.
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    Yesss! I think I use your PH launch checklist. I will be live soon. Thank you!
    YESSSSS!!! The engagement and positive feedback you've received on social media indicate that your content is valuable and well-received. Sharing it on PH can help you reach a broader audience, especially those actively looking for useful resources and insights.
    Zeeshan Akhtar
    @akanksha_hunts Thanks Akanksha, will do. As I said on LinkedIn, thanks and all the best for your launch.
    Zebracat AI
    Zebracat AI
    Launching soon!
    I would recommend launching your product on Product Hunt. It is a promising tool that can help you gauge people's reactions to your product and see if they like it or not. It is always worth trying new things, as you never know what might work for you.
    Zeeshan Akhtar
    @hamza_afzal_butt makes sense. My confusion is how valuable this is for folks. If yes, great, if not, I would rather not spend bandwidth.
    Daniel Hunt
    Haha don't bait us like this. Of course you should launch! 😉
    Judith Amarachi 💙
    If you have good reviews on social media, launching on PH would be a plus. Go for it!
    Neima Mogadas
    wow, love that graphic! No reason to not launch! If you're concerned about bandwidth, no need to take it too seriously – all PR is good PR
    amanah alfian
    yessss, just launch might your next opportunity coming from here
    Shajedul Karim
    email design for dummies? that's gold, man. think of PH as a playground. you test, you iterate, you engage. your series is already doing well. PH could amplify that signal. PHs community values resources that solve real problems. you fit the bill. but here's a tip: present it as more than just an email series. maybe package it with a toolkit. templates, checklists, etc. launch timing is crucial. find a slot when your target audience is active. it's all about the narrative. how you frame it can make or break the launch. prepare for feedback. both praise and critique are gifts here. so, should you launch on PH? my two cents: absolutely. it's a win-win.