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  • Most Product Hunt builders suck at teaser page.

    Alex AI
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    Most Product Hunt builders suck at teaser page. Let’s change that. Here are 7 of the best teaser page tips I've found 🧵 Make Your Teaser Page Shine The Key to a Killer Product Hunt Launch👇👇👇 Nice work getting your teaser page set up! It's the first impression people will have of your product, so it needs to grab them and get them excited. Here's how to make it really count: 1/ Your Story Matters: Why did you build this? What problem does it solve for people? Forget the jargon; just be honest about what drove you to create it. 2/ Benefits Front and Center: What does your product do for people? Save time? Make life easier? Be super clear about why someone would need this in their life. 3/ Show Some Love: If anyone's already using and loving your product, get them to give you a shout-out! Even a short quote or review adds a ton of credibility. 4/ Find Your People: Where does your ideal customer hang out online? Join those groups, be helpful, and casually mention your product when it makes sense. (Don't spam!) 5/ Tease 'Em: Share little hints about features, or offer behind-the-scenes glimpses. Get people curious and wanting to know more. 6/ Reward Early Supporters: People who sign up on your teaser page deserve something special. Offer a discount, a bonus feature, whatever you can manage. This builds loyalty big-time. 7/Important for Product Hunt: Your teaser page is huge for a successful launch. It's where you build hype and get people to follow you so they're notified the second you go live. It's Not Over After Launch -Keep the conversation going! -Stay active with your community, answer questions... this builds long-term buzz way beyond the initial launch day. You got this! 💪 I'am gonna drop our teaser page and want your feedback. Discover our new product. Get notified on launch day! https://www.producthunt.com/products/questflow-2
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