I reached 27K on LinkedIn. 0 outbound. Here's how:

Ghost Kitty
53 replies
1/ Define your positioning. Who is your target audience? What's your main goal? 2/ Optimize your profile. You can use my free checklist. 3/ Send connection requests without pitches. Accept connection requests. 4/ Comment on others' content. 5/ Post content. If your current posts don't get enough attention, do #1-4 and try to change the format of your posts. Try free templates, infographics, or entertaining content. 6/ Respond to thoughtful DMs. 7/ Create intersections between other channels. - If you already have an audience on Twitter, invite them to connect with you on LinkedIn. - Share your link on Product Hunt/other channels. - Visit podcasts and mention that you're active on LinkedIn. No rocket science. But It can be difficult in the beginning. And consistency is your best friend. What questions do you have?


Daxeel Soni
Congratulations on reaching 27K, Olena! That's definitely a feat to be celebrated. Thank you for sharing such valuable insights on building an audience on LinkedIn without any outbound efforts. I absolutely agree that consistency is key. You have to be patient and stay persistent in order to see results. On Point 5 of your post, you've mentioned about changing the format of posts, using templates, infographics or entertaining content. I'd like to add that our team has been using a platform called Viralify.ai which makes this process much more streamlined. It's an invaluable addition to any LinkedIn growth strategy. Would love to hear your thoughts. Cheers!
Ghost Kitty
The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
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Ali Naqi Shaheen
Consistency and regular posting give you fruitful results.
Congratulations on reaching 27K on LinkedIn! How did you define your positioning and target audience? Any recommendations for optimizing LinkedIn profiles? Thanks for sharing your insights!
Rami - Browsingbuddies.com
that's crazy. I thought you were a fake profile this whole time, lol.
Ghost Kitty
The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
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Fahad ⚡️
Good tips! Thanks for sharing Olena 🙌
K John
congrats! olena on your 27k linkedin
Tornike Tsiramua
Olena, I am happy that I am one of the followers, that enriches your account. Great achievement well done!
Gaurav Sharma
Thank you for sharing Olena!
Mathis Vella
Hey @olenabomko ! How long did it take you to build such an audience ? 2 - 3 years ?
Ghost Kitty
The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
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Klaudia Bumgarner
That's great Olena. Thanks for sharing tips.
Emma Watson
Olena congratulations. It's truly insspirational
Evgeny Kotelevskiy
These are great results, Olena! I have only 2k followers.
Ghost Kitty
The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
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Judith Clary
congrats and thanks for your tips
Evgeny Khokhlov
Awesome achievement, keep rocking! Could you kindly elaborate on the benefits you have experienced as a result of having so many connections on LinkedIn?
Thanks for this sharing tips! Good job
Thanks for sharing, this was really helpful.
Iskandar Chacra
Thanks for sharing Olena! I really enjoy reading your content. The way you simplify things makes it easy to consume and remember. Any tips on what to look for when hiring a social media/LinkedIn manager?
Ghost Kitty
The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
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MindVault- Brain Dump
Great startegy Olena. I don't use LinkedIn. Should I create my account for LinkedIn. What benefits do you get from there?