Do you prefer to read print or digital books?

Jao Japitana
86 replies
I love the scent of printed books and I have small library, so I am big fan of printed books. But I also am always moving around, so digital books are really handy


Terrence Kelleman
Print because I love writing notes in the folds but I read both
Nemanja Nikolic
I must say that audiobooks are my favourite thing, because i'm wearing glasses, and it is easier to listen than to look at pages :D
both depending on th3 mood πŸ“»
Anastasia Liamets
I'm a big Kindle fan – so digital:)
Arif Woozeer
Digital Books are cheaper but the scent of the printed books and the way you highlight words on it makes me always use ones like that.
Chris W
I have a Kindle, but I miss print books for some reason. For me there's something satsifying about holding a book and the weight of the book changing in each hand as you get further through the book. Jeez, just read that back and I sound like such a weirdo..
α—°α—©α™­ ᒍ.
PRINT, especially if it's like a old book they smell so good, anyone else or I'm just weird? πŸ˜‚
Viola Schoell
@maxjacobs I feel the same way :) I also prefer printed books. Digital books are not the same experience
Launching soon!
Print books!!!
Avital Trifsik
I like print, not really sure why thought lol
Lisa Steingold
Paper all the way sadly. Sorry trees
Daniel Burns
Printed ones, even though digital ones are easier to carry around.
Benjamin Sloutsky
I do digital more because I’m more used to it, but hardcover also isn’t bad
Producthunt Unleashed
Producthunt Unleashed
Digital, because I can take notes with my kindle, export them in Notion and have questions about the book, plus I also try to apply the things I learn. Can't really do that with a physical book, taking pics and converting them into text takes time...
Madeleine Schulze
Definitely print - I have to smell the book each time I pick it up :D
Phil Meyer
My digital books get lost. My paper books sit there, reminding me to read πŸ™‚
Jake Tital
Print or ultimate for me is audio books