Books or audiobooks?

Viola Schoell
34 replies
I love both reading a book myself and listening to audiobooks while I'm on the road or cleaning the house. How about you?


Samuel Rondot
The Death of Ivan Ilyich is the only audiobook I have ever listened but ended up reading it again in paper to truly make one with the book. But audiobooks are probably ok for personal development, learning etc
Abdullah Al Afique
Both. Currently reading Essentialism.
Karen Swyszcz
I prefer reading physical books. I find I can't listen to audiobooks because they seem too long of a commitment, whereas podcast episodes are the right amount of time if I'm going for a walk or doing chores around the house.
Arif Woozeer
Books will be on my top list. I can understand them more and makes me focus on it. Plus, the scent of it is addicting.
Ofir Kruvi
Never been able to listen to audiobooks, the point of reading a book for me aside from the actual content is the ink and paper, otherwise I'd prefer watching a Youtube video.
Viola Schoell
@ofir_kruvi I can totally see your point, but I wouldn't want to give up my audiobooks. Whilst it's great to watch YouTube videos, when I'm cleaning that's not really an option, so audiobooks are the better choice for me for those activities :D
Nataliya Trotsenko
I also enjoy a mix of reading and audiobooks! Reading allows me to dive deep into the story at my own pace, while audiobooks are perfect for fitting more books into my busy schedule. They make tasks and commutes so much more enjoyable.
Isla Baker
I love that audiobooks allow me to 'read' while doing other things.
I think I can stay more concentrated and engaged while reading a physical book, listening to it through audiobooks can have be get distracted quicker. However, it all depends how much time I spend looking at screens during the day. If it's a day in which I have been working on a PC for hours, I would rather just rest my eyes and listen to something, even if its a youtube podcast. lot's of good options and alternatives out there
Yan Fernandes
Oh, I really like to use both. I usually read a book in the morning and listen to audiobooks while I'm on the road or training. And yes, there are moments when I stop my gym session because my brain is exploding with an idea, but that's okay, I like it. Haha.
Novie Dizon
Books! It's easier for me to reread :)
Mohamed Ismail
Books, I forget everything when I listen to audiobooks minutes after finishing them 🤦‍♂️
books I like the feeling to have it in ur hands
I prefer audiobooks because I get motion sickness when reading in the car, so audiobooks allow me to enjoy books anytime, anywhere.
Haralds Gabrāns Zukovs
Books over audio books because it is easier, at least for me, to concentrate on the plot! :)
Christian Gyenes
Choosing between books and audiobooks ultimately depends on personal preference and lifestyle. Books offer a tactile experience, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the written word, flip through pages, and annotate passages. On the other hand, audiobooks provide the convenience of listening to stories on the go, whether during commutes, workouts, or while multitasking. Both formats offer unique benefits, so it's worth experimenting with both to see which one suits your preferences and lifestyle best!
Domas Sakavickas
I prefer books.vI gave an audiobook a try once, and within a few minutes, my thoughts had completely drifted away from it 😄
Dan O'Malley
I'm a big fan of physical books. I've tried audiobooks but it's not as enjoyable an experience for me.