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  • Blogging or social networking for solo makers

    4 replies
    Solo makers have very limited resources. I doubt you can get any good results by spreading them thin. Choices need to be made when it comes to marketing channels. What would you go for in the real world not in theory? 1. Create a powerful blog that might rank on Google and provide constant traffic 2. Build a strong social presence on multiple platforms that brings traffic in spikes Please don't tell me a mix of both. Trust me I've tried it and you can't see results from one without compromising the other.


    @cliff_hall1 I didn't say they work against each other. They can't be done together at the same performance level while also building a product. What you described is aligned with what I said. It means you are compromising on one of them. So which one would you choose in the detriment of the other? Thanks for the reply Cliff
    @cliff_hall1 Yes I said that because I tried both while also building a product and I know it doesn't work. But that's another long story. I made that statement to eliminate answers from product makers or folks that haven't been through the situation. There are folks that answer from intuition or pure imagination (maybe ChatGPT these days). Someone who would say both is not a solo maker with own/low resources building products and trying to market them.