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  • Afraid of AI-Generated Content?

    Harish Kumar
    1 reply
    Have you hit a brick wall with the output of the AI tools you're using? You are crunching 15 articles a week… spending 10 hrs a week editing and correcting, and still seeing a 0.09% dismal click-through rate on your Google Search Console data. Even worse, your output read like machine-generated AI output. What makes the matter worse... Nowadays consumers are getting more sophisticated and self-aware. If you are writing without knowing them, they know it's machine-generated and they are never going to return back your site. Are you prepared to see your visitors reporting you as a spammer? And this does not stop here... Google is well-prepared to detect your audience signals. If your audience reports your content spam, do you fear a Google penalty on your AI-generated content? There is no magical win on this. AI in content creation is an irreversible trend! But you can take a step back and think... How does it sound if we spend time on “Humanizing the AI” Yes, you need to humanize AI so that your output does not read as AI-generated. You need to perform real-world research into the fears, pains, problems, desires, and roadblocks of your prospects and understand them deeply. Introducing CrawlQ… ...the most advanced automated Market Research experience to humanize your AI results… CrawlQ’s AI Automated Market Research allows you to collect, group, and segment emotions, desires, and fears of your audience into Buyer Personas and Customer Journeys so that you can feed AI with real-world user-generated data so that you can humanize AI… …your output doesn't read machine-generated anymore and you gain 10x conversions from your content. Ah, most important you win the trust of your audience obviously. GRAB THIS EASTER 48-HR FLASH SALES ~ WHILE CODES LAST (Upgrade an existing account to higher tiers or purchase a new Deal while the offer lasts for a limited period during Easter for limited 90 codes.) https://crawlq.ai/product-hunt-pre-launch/ Do you want to see how easy it is to get started?? https://share.vidyard.com/watch/eeZcAEavHtsktTxnPYMU4d?View insights0 post reach


    Harish Kumar
    CrawlQ Audience Research
    CrawlQ Audience Research
    This pre-sale is to help us reach out to more people who want to try out the most advanced AI powred audience research tool...and see the power of how this is the most differentiated experience.