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  • A five-minute break, a productivity maker?

    Breaks are important. Take short breaks now, or you'll be forced to take long breaks later. What's your quick break rituals that rejuvenate you and keep you going during a hectic day? Share below!


    Simona O'Neill
    I take my dogs for a walk while listening to a podcast. Even if it’s just 15mins. Always come back recharged.
    Lilangani Rathmale
    @brenkinfa I usually talk with my colleagues & try to make it a meaningful chat.. and if none of them available i listen to a song
    Alina Salavatova
    I play Tetris during breaks or just sit with my eyes closed.
    I usually take a walk and time myself with this: https://pomotimer.io/
    Hey Man, here's my secret: I take a 5-10 minute stroll every hour. Not around the block, just inside my place. πŸ˜… Might sound quirky, but it's my thing, and I enjoy it.
    Viktar Patotski
    Yes, I, in general, love to follow the Pomodoro technique. I find it as a productivity booster for myself.
    Rohan Singhvi
    A 5 minute FIFA game on the console!
    Matej Cabadaj
    I usually switch to a song that motivates me and go grab a coffee and tea. If there is someone with me, a quick chat also work great!
    best for me is to lie down, relax and empty the mind .. for 5-10 min
    Md Shariful Islam
    Yes, a short and relaxing break can boost up productivity many times. At least it does for me!
    angel william
    I take 20 min break between work